Giovedì 28 maggio 2015 alle ore 10.00 presso Aula Checcacci (Via Forlanini, 2 – Pavia), Alberto Ascherio – Department of Epidemiology – Harvard School of Public Health – Boston, USA – terrà l’incontro “Vitamina D e sclerosi multipla: evidenze da studi epidemiologici”.

L’evento si svolge all’interno del Master Universitario biennale di II livello BIOSTATISTICA E METODOLOGIA EPIDEMIOLOGICA -Unità di Biostatistica ed Epidemiologia Clinica.

Coordinatore: Prof.ssa Cristina Montomoli.

Dr. Ascherio’s research is primarily devoted to identifying causes and risk factors for MS and other neurodegenerative diseases, as well as biomarkers that may provide information about susceptibility and that may lead to earlier diagnosis. These investigations are part of an international collaborative effort on the possible etiologic role of the Epstein-Barr virus and other infections, and the protective effect of vitamin D. Since 1997 he has directed the investigation of neurodegenerative diseases in several large cohorts comprising over 400,000 men and women who have provided detailed information on their dietary habits and lifestyle, in addition to blood or cheek cell samples for genetic and other laboratory analyses. Most recently, he has been directing a large prospective seroepidemiologic study based on the Department of Defense Serum Repository to identify prediagnostic markers of infection and nutritional status as they relate to the risk of MS.

Dr. Ascherio trained in internal medicine at the University of Milan, and subsequently practiced medicine and public health in Latin America and Africa. He completed his doctoral degree in epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health.
