(English below) Mercoledì 1 e giovedì 2 febbraio 2023, i membri del progetto xAIM si sono riuniti a Francoforte sul Meno (Germania). L’incontro è stato ospitato e organizzato dalla Goethe University.

Il workshop è stato incentrato su alcuni temi principali per affrontare lo sviluppo del Master xAIM (eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in healthcare Management). I partecipanti hanno focalizzato la loro discussione sulla revisione e l’aggiornamento del progetto fino ad oggi; su come implementare i corsi e le relative sfide; su come comunicare con gli studenti; sono state sollevate alcune opportunità di stage e, ultimo ma non meno importante, le strategie di promozione sono state discusse, così come il futuro di xAIM negli anni a venire.

xAIM Master Program (eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in healthcare Management) è un programma di Master online che mira a creare un ambiente interdisciplinare in cui gli studenti vengono formati per lavorare all’intersezione di Data Science, AI e Healthcare. Gli studenti impareranno i fondamenti di Machine Learning e Data Science in modo da poter gestire e analizzare grandi, eterogenei e complessi set di dati rappresentativi del settore sanitario.

Il consorzio guidato dall’Università di Pavia è finanziato dal programma della Commissione Europea “Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom” volto a stimolare e sostenere la diffusione delle European Digital Service Infrastructures (DSI) in vari settori. Il consorzio è composto dalle Università di Pavia, Goethe University (D), Keele University (UK), Leibniz University Hannover (D) e University of Ljubljana (SL).

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eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in healthcare Management (xAIM)
4th Partners’ Meeting

On Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd of February 2023, xAIM project members had their 4th Partners’ Meeting at Frankfurt am Main (Germany). The meeting was hosted and arranged by the Goethe University.

The workshop was centered on some main topics to address the development of the xAIM Master Program (eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in healthcare Management). Participants focused their discussion on the review and the update of the project to date; on how to implement courses and the related challenges; on how to communicate with students; some internship opportunities were brought up and, last but not least, dissemination strategies were discussed, as well as the future of xAIM in the following years.

xAIM Master Program (eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in healthcare Management) is an online Master program aiming to create an interdisciplinary environment where students are trained to work at the intersection of Data Science, AI and Healthcare. Students will learn the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Data Science so that they can handle and analyse large, heterogeneous and complex datasets representative of the healthcare sector.

The consortium led by the University of Pavia is funded by the European Commission program “Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom” aimed at stimulating and supporting the spread of European Digital Service Infrastructures (DSI) in various sectors. The consortium is composed of the University of Pavia, Goethe University (D), Keele University (UK), Leibniz University Hannover (D) and University of Ljubljana (SL).

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