(English below) Lunedì 23 e martedì 24 gennaio 2023, si terrà la conferenza “Reflecting on peace in Ukraine: long term narratives, wars of disinformation, peace diplomacy and peace building” presso la Rappresentanza permanente della Repubblica Ceca alla Delegazione dell’Unione Europea. Sarà, tuttavia, possibile seguirle online tramite una diretta streaming.

L’evento è un’iniziativa del Coimbra Group – Social Sciences and Humanities Working Group, co-organizzato dall’Università di Pavia e dall’Università di Salamanca, nell’ambito dell’alleanza EC2U.

L’evento coinvolgerà relatori e relatrici internazionali di alto livello, tra cui Ilaria Poggiolini, Prof.ssa di Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali presso l’Università di Pavia e co-coordinatore scientifico dell’evento. La conferenza analizzerà le narrative del conflitto, da una prospettiva storica e contemporanea, e lo scontro tra le due diverse narrative e la disinformazione.

La registrazione all’evento è disponibile al seguente form.

Per ulteriori informazioni, è possibile consultare il volantino contenente maggiori dettagli sull’iniziativa e/o contattare Jorge Hernández: jorge.hernandez@usal.es

Volantino “Reflecting on peace in Ukraine”



On Monday, January 23, and Tuesday, January 24, 2023, the  conference “Reflecting on peace in Ukraine: long term narratives, wars of disinformation, peace diplomacy and peace building” will take place in Brussels at the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU Delegation. However, it will be possible to attend the event online via streaming.

The event is an initiative of the Coimbra Group – Social Sciences and Humanities Working Group, jointly organised with the University of Pavia and the University of Salamanca within the EC2U Alliance.

The event will involve high-level INTERNATIONAL speakers, including Ilaria Poggiolini, professor of History of the International Relations at the University of Pavia, and scientific co-coordinator of the event. The conference will analyse the narratives regarding the conflict, both from a historical and contemporary perspective, and the conflict between the two different narratives and disinformation.

Registration is available at the following form.

For further information, please refer to the leaflet that includes additional details of the initiative and/or contact Jorge Hernández: jorge.hernandez@usal.es

Leaflet “Reflecting on peace in Ukraine”

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