(English below) La professoressa Livia Visai del Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare dell’Università degli Studi di Pavia, in collaborazione con il professor Michael Hust (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germania), la professoressa Mireia Pelegrin (INSERM, Montpellier, France), il professor Luca Varani (Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona, Svizzera) e il professor Luigi Calzolai (Project Leader, Joint Research Center of the European Commission), sono lieti di annunciare la seconda edizione della conferenza internazionale “Immunotherapy for infectious diseases conference – Novel ways to fight pathogens” IIDC, che avrà luogo all’Università di Pavia, in Italia, dal 20 al 23 giugno 2022 in modalità ibrida, in presenza e da remoto,  sia per gli oratori sia per i partecipanti.

A seguito del successo della prima conferenza internazionale sullo stesso argomento che si era tenuta a Galvestone (TX, USA) nel novembre del 2018, si era proposto di organizzare la seconda edizione in Italia a marzo 2020, purtroppo rimandata a seguito della pandemia. Il COVID-19, malattia causata da SARS-CoV-2, ci ha comunque insegnato come reagire in una situazione pandemica in quanto grazie agli sforzi congiunti compiuti da parte di colleghi scienziati, ricercatori, medici, industrie private e pubbliche è stato possibile sviluppare e produrre in tempi rapidi vaccini sicuri ed efficaci come pure anticorpi terapeutici.

I principali argomenti trattati nella Conferenza 2022 organizzata in Italia saranno:

  • Sviluppo di farmaci a base di anticorpi.
  • Immunoterapia contro le malattie infettive emergenti.
  • Immunoterapia contro SARS-CoV-2.
  • Immunoterapia contro le infezioni batteriche e malattie infettive non virali.
  • I principi della 3R nelle applicazioni biotecnologiche e mediche.

Il programma della conferenza è disponibile online sul sito dedicato alla conferenza.

Vi invitiamo partecipare numerosi!

Programma “Immunotherapy for infectious diseases conference – Novel ways to fight pathogens”

Locandina “Immunotherapy for infectious diseases conference – Novel ways to fight pathogens”

Per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione potete scrivere a questo indirizzo email: conference2022@unipv.it

Seguite l’evento su Twitter: @IIDC2020

Sito web “Immunotherapy for infectious diseases conference – Novel ways to fight pathogens”


Professor Livia Visai of the Molecular Medicine Department of the University of Pavia, in collaboration with Professor Michael Hust (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany), Professor Mireia Pelegrin (INSERM, Montpellier, France), Professor Luca Varani (Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona, Switzerland) and Professor Luigi Calzolai (Project Leader, Joint Research Center of the European Commission) are pleased to announce the second edition of the international conference “Immunotherapy for infectious diseases conference – Novel ways to fight pathogens” IIDC, which will take place at the University of Pavia, in Italy, from 20 to 23 June 2022 in hybrid mode, in presence and remotely, for both speakers and participants.

Following the success of the first international conference on the same topic that was held in Galvestone (TX, USA) in November 2018, it was proposed to organize the second edition in Italy in March 2020, unfortunately postponed following the pandemic. The recent COVID-19 disease caused by a SARS-CoV-2 has taught us how to react in a pandemic situation connecting scientists, researchers, medical doctors, private and public companies in order to develop and produce safe and effective vaccines as well as therapeutic antibodies in fast times.

The main topics covered in the 2022 Conference organized in Italy will be:

  • Antibody-based drug development.
  • Immunotherapy against emerging viral infectious diseases.
  • Immunotherapy against SARS-CoV-2.
  • Immunotherapy against bacterial infections and non-viral infectious diseases.
  • The principles of 3R in biotechnological and medical applications.

The conference program is available online on the website dedicated to the conference.

We invite you to participate in large numbers!

“Immunotherapy for infectious diseases conference – Novel ways to fight pathogens” Program

Poster “Immunotherapy for infectious diseases conference – Novel ways to fight pathogens”

For any further information you can write to this email address: conference2022@unipv.it

Follow the event on twitter: @IIDC2020

Web site “Immunotherapy for infectious diseases conference – Novel ways to fight pathogens”

[Foto di Masum Ali da Pixabay]

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