Nuovo importante traguardo per lo IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering) Student Branch di Pavia e per l’Ateneo pavese: è nato l’Affinity Group della Women in Engineering Society (WiE) dell’IEEE. Si tratta del primo gruppo della Italy Section ad essere sorto, il che fa di Pavia la prima a livello nazionale.

WIE è la più grande iniziativa mondiale che promuove le donne in Ingegneria e la Sezione Italia IEEE mira a creare un contesto in cui i suoi membri possano stabilire legami e networking professionale tra le donne e gli uomini che riconoscono il ruolo delle donne nelle discipline ingegneristiche. In Italia le donne sono molto attive nelle professioni tecniche, ma comunque molto meno rispetto agli uomini. Ci si aspetta che l’azione dell’Affinity Group WIE possa supportare la carriera di diverse giovani donne, coinvolgendole in eventi e seminari, e creare opportunità di aggregazione e networking.

Un grazie va tutti i ragazzi e le ragazze e, in particolare, alle nuove volontarie elette: Valentina Bello (Chair), Simona di Meo (Vice-Chair), Giulia Rocco (Secretary), Giulia Cancelli (Treasurer).


English version:

Big day for the IEEE SB of Pavia – new formation of the Affinity Group of the WIE Women In Engineering – Thanks to all guys and girls, expecially to the newly elected volounteers:  Valentina Bello, Chair Simona Di Meo, Vice-chair Giulia Rocco, Secretary and Giulia Cancelli, Treasurer – FIRST group ever constitued among the IEEE Italy Section! The approval date is November 8, 2017 and the geo-code is SBA10871.


Valentina Bello | Chair

Short bio: Valentina Bello was born in Tortona, Italy, in 1994. She received the B.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Pavia, Italy, in 2016. She is currently a Master student in Electronic Engineering at the University of Pavia, Italy. Her interest area includes Photonics and bio-sensors. Moreover, in the last year she authored one conference paper and one journal paper. She is a student member of IEEE, and an active volounteer of the IEEE Student Branch of Pavia, inside the IEEE Italy Section, R8.




Simona Di Meo | Vice Chair

Short bio: Simona Di Meo was born in 1992 in Foggia (FG), Italy. After her high school studies on scientific area (Liceo Scientifico Statale “A. Volta”) in Foggia, she moved to Pavia. Here, she received her Bachelor Degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering, on October, 27th 2014. Afterwards she obtained the Master Degree in Electronic Engineering at the University of Pavia, with final evaluation of 110/110 cum Laude on October, 27th 2016. The title of her MSc thesis was “Feasibility study of an innovative mm-wave imaging system for early-stage breast cancer detection”, and it was focused on the freasibility study in terms of link budget evaluation of a system, exploiting a multi-static radar architecture, with a central working frequency of 30 GHz and a 20-GHz bandwidth intended for breast cancer detection. This activity was in collaboration with the European Institute of Oncology (Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, IEO), in Milan, and it was supported by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro, AIRC). She is a PhD student, and her current research interests include innovative techniques for early breast cancer detection.

Giulia Maria Rocco | Secretary

Short bio: Giulia Maria Rocco was born in Pavia, Italy, in 1992. She got the MS degree from the University of Pavia in 2016, with a final grade of 110/110 cum laude. She is now a Ph.D. student at the Microwave Laboratory of the University of Pavia. Her research deals with the study of additive technique for the implementation of microwave components. She is a student member of IEEE, and a volounteer of the IEEE Student Branch of Pavia, inside the IEEE Italy Section, R8.



Giulia Cancelli  | Treasurer

Short bio: Giulia Cancelli was born in Pescara, Italy, in 1993, and moved to Pavia for study. Graduated in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pavia, now continues, in the same university, her course of studies in Electronic Engineering, Photonics path, combining photonics and bioengineering in the study of biosensors. She is a student member of IEEE and an active volounteer of the IEEE Student Branch of Pavia, inside the IEEE Italy Section, R8.







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