(English Below) L’Università di Pavia ti invita al workshop virtuale “Designing Your Global Career”, il 18 novembre 2021, ore 16:00-17:30 CET.

L’evento online rientra nel programma EC2U Career Plan Certificate ed è organizzato dal Career Point dell’Università di Jena che, insieme all’Università di Pavia e ad altre cinque Università, fa parte di EC2U – European Campus of City-Universities, l’Alleanza Europea.

Il workshop, in lingua inglese, fornirà strumenti e strategie che aiuteranno a sviluppare la carriera sia all’interno che all’esterno del mondo accademico, a costruire e mobilitare strategicamente la rete di networking, creare tre “Odyssey Plans” che consentiranno di immaginare tre futuri di carriera molto diversi.

Relatore: Dott.ssa Joann Halpern | Direttore | Hasso Plattner Institute, New York

Data: 18 novembre 2021, 16:00-17:30 CET

Registrazione: https://forms.office.com/r/gKVnBj9G7z

Maggiori informazioni sul workshop: https://www.cwp.uni-jena.de/veranstaltungen/designing+your+global+career


The University of Pavia invites you to the virtual workshop  “Designing Your Global Career”, on 18 November 2021 at 16:00-17:30 CET

The online event is part of the EC2U Career Plan Certificate program and is organized by the Career Point of the University of Jena which, together with the University of Pavia and five other universities, is part of EC2U – European Campus of City-Universities, the European Alliance.

The workshop, in English, will provide tools and strategies that will help to develop the career both inside and outside the academic world, to build and strategically mobilize the networking network, to create three “Odyssey Plans” that will allow to imagine three very different career futures.

Lecturer: Dr. Joann Halpern | Director | Hasso Plattner Institute, New York

Date: 18 November 2021 at 16:00-17:30 CET


More information on the workshop:https://www.cwp.uni-jena.de/veranstaltungen/designing+your+global+career

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