È iniziata la Summer School “Smart Ageing and Healthy Life” presso l’Università di Iasi (Romania). Dal 20 al 26 settembre 2021 si parla infatti di benessere duraturo e invecchiamento sano!
La Summer School comprende 7 giorni di workshop innovativi, lezioni, e attività pratiche ai quali 8 studenti dall’Università di Pavia, finanziati dal progetto European Campus for City-Universities (EC2U) stanno partecipando.
Durante il primi giorni si sono approfonditi i temi:
- Promoting physical activity with wearables;
- Uncertainty in times of COVID-19 pandemic: who are saving more resources to cope with?;
- Functional assessment of the elderly.
I partecipanti riceveranno 3 crediti formativi dopo aver superato la valutazione finale.
Ecco qui il programma completo della Summer School.
The “Smart Ageing and Healthy Life” Summer School has started at the University of Iasi (Romania). In fact, from 20 to 26 September we discover the secrets of a lifelong well-being and a healthy ageing!
The Summer School includes 7 days of innovative workshops, lectures, and practical activities during which 8 students from the University of Pavia, funded by the European Campus for City-Universities (EC2U) project, are participating.
During the first days were explored:
- Promoting physical activity with wearables;
- Uncertainty in times of COVID-19 pandemic: who are saving more resources to cope with?;
- Functional assessment of the elderly.
Participants will receive 3 training credits after passing the final evaluation.
Here is the complete program of the Summer School.