Il 4 e 5 febbraio 2021 si è tenuto il primo Forum dell’Alleanza EC2U online. Più di 600 registrati dai 7 Paesi Partner dell’Alleanza hanno assistito a due webinar con esperti in sostenibilità e Laurea Europea del futuro. (English below)
Per chi se li fosse persi, ecco una sintesi illustrata dei due webinar, disegnata dall’artista Blanche Ellis, con i punti salienti del Forum.
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Sustainability and European degree at the core of a successful first EC2U (European Campus for City Universities) Alliance Forum
The first EC2U Alliance Forum took place on 4th-5th February: more than 600 registered participants attended the two webinars, with experts of the Sustainable Development Goals and of the European Degree.
As a highlight of the Forum, we are delighted to present you a graphical illustration of the live webinars, designed by the artist Blanche Ellis, as key take-home messages.
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