Il Rettore Francesco Svelto ha firmato, insieme agli altri Rettori delle Università aderenti all’alleanza Pan-Europea “European Campus for City Universities”, un comunicato congiunto indirizzato alle sette comunità accademiche (Coimbra, Iasi, JenaPavia, Poitiers, Salamanca, Turku), in risposta all’emergenza sanitaria che sta colpendo tutti i paesi europei.

EC2U è un’Alleanza multi-culturale e multi-linguistica che avvicina sette università storiche, orientate alla ricerca e alla didattica di qualità, collocate in quattro diverse regioni dell’Unione Europea, tutte fortemente connesse con il loro territorio e aperte all’internazionalizzazione.

L’obiettivo dell’Alleanza è sviluppare uno spazio innovativo che permetta alla mobilità di fluire liberamente tra le sei università e le città associate. Questo modello di apertura contribuirà al superamento della dimensione nazionale e regionale dell’istruzione superiore e alla creazione di un’Europa dell’educazione più integrata e forte.

Il comunicato è pubblicato qui: e lo riportiamo di seguito:

To the students and staff of the EC2U Alliance member universities,
To the Associated Partners of the EC2U Alliance,

As all European countries, regions and cities are gradually hit by the coronavirus outbreak, we would like to express our strong support to you and call for a reinforced solidarity between the members of our communities and with citizens, in particular with the ones who are fighting the virus.

The EC2U Alliance was created to develop an open and innovative space allowing free mobility among the seven universities and cities, forming a single community of 160.000 students and 20.000 staff, in direct reach to 1.600.000 citizens, thus overcoming clichéd views of regional and national identities. This spirit of openness and solidarity is more than ever important.

The COVID-19 crisis underlines the need for Higher Education Institutions to develop virtual mobility and distant education: these two topics are among the main objectives of the EC2U Alliance. Therefore, this unprecedented situation will not alter our focus to move forward with our project. It will even reinforce our partnership by strengthening our mutual support enabling us to better reach our common goal: the creation of a pan-European campus, connected by a sense of shared European identity, contributing to the development of a smart higher education eco-system through a new model of quality education for an inclusive society.

With all our support,

Prof. Amílcar Falcão, Rector of the University of Coimbra

Prof. Tudorel Toader, Rector of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi

Prof. Walter Rosenthal, President of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena

Prof. Francesco Svelto, Rector of the University of Pavia

Prof. Yves Jean, President of the University of Poitiers

Prof. Ricardo Rivero, Rector of the University of Salamanca

Prof. Jukka Kola, Rector of the University of Turku

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