Grazie alla collaborazione tra l’Università di Pavia e la prestigiosa University of Strathclyde (Glasgow/UK) il nostro Ateneo è stato invitato a partecipare a una serie di seminari online che, con approccio interdisciplinare, affrontano tematiche attualissime per riflettere su cosa è possibile imparare dalle pandemie e dalla risposta che stiamo dando a quella in corso. (English below)

Si tratta di un’opportunità unica sia per approfondire la tematica attuale sia per rafforzare la collaborazione UNIPV-Strathclyde.

L’iniziativa è stata diffusa in Ateneo e ha avuto un incredibile successo: in meno di un’ora sono andati esauriti i posti disponibili, così come sono terminati anche quelli aggiuntivi che Strathclyde ha poi messo a disposizione per UNIPV.

Ai partecipanti sarà rilasciato un certificato di partecipazione rilasciato e riconosciuto da tutte le Università coinvolte. Oltre a Strathclyde e Pavia, partecipano infatti all’iniziativa: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong), University of Waterloo (Canada), University Jordan (Giordania), Asian Institute of Technology (Tailandia), Chalmers University of Technology (Regno Unito), City University of New York (Stati Uniti), Politecnico di Milano.

Il primo Webinar What can we learn from previous Pandemics and from the response to COVID-19 so far?” è stato tenuto il 12 maggio dal Professor Jeremy Lauer (University of Strathclyde).

Il secondo Webinar “All-Round Efforts to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic” è stato presentato il 19 maggio da diversi docenti della Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Tim Cheng, Gary Chan, Ming LIU, Matthew McKAY, Richard So e King Lun Yeung).

Il terzo Webinar “The Global Economic and Political Challenges of COVID and the Lockdown” è stato presentato dalla Prof.ssa Bessma Momani (University of Waterloo, Canada).

Pavia interverrà il 30 giugno 2020 con il Webinar “COVID19 Neutralizing activity: diagnosis, epidemiology and treatment perspective”, che vedrà coinvolti Silvia Priori, Professoressa di Cardiologia (Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare), Fausto Baldanti, Professore di Microbiologia e Microbiologia Clinica, e Raffaele Bruno, Professore di Malattie Infettive (entrambi del Dipartimento di Scienze Clinico-Chirurgiche, Diagnostiche e Pediatriche), interverrà la Prorettrice Antonella Forlino.


There is an important collaboration going on between the University of Pavia and the prestigious University of Strathclyde (UK) with which our University participates in a series of online seminars which, with an interdisciplinary approach, address current issues: Thriving after Massive Global Disruption. A Global Thought Leadership Series, to think about what is possible to learn from the pandemics and the response we are giving to the current one.

This is a unique opportunity both to deepen the existing issue and to strengthen the UNIPV-Strathclyde collaboration.

The initiative was advertised at the University and had considerable success: in less than an hour the available places were sold out, as well as the additional ones that Strathclyde then made available for UNIPV.

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance issued and recognized by all the universities involved. In addition to Strathclyde and Pavia, the following participate: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong), University of Waterloo (Canada), University of Jordan (Jordan), Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand), Chalmers University of Technology (United Kingdom), City University of New York (United States).

The first Webinar on May 12 was held by Professor Jeremy Lauer (University of Strathclyde): “What can we learn from previous Pandemics and from the response to COVID-19 so far?”

The second Webinar 2 (May 19) was presented by several professors from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Tim Cheng, Gary Chan, Ming LIU, Matthew McKAY, Richard So and King Lun Yeung): “All-Round Efforts to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic”.

The third Webinar (May 26) was presented by Prof. Bessma Momani (University of Waterloo, Canada): “The Global Economic and Political Challenges of COVID and the Lockdown”.

Pavia will speak on the 30 June: “COVID19 Neutralizing activity: diagnosis, epidemiology and treatment perspective”, and Silvia Priori, Professor of Cardiology (Department of Molecular Medicine), Fausto Baldanti, Professor of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology, and Raffaele Bruno, Professor of Infectious Diseases (both of the Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Paediatric Sciences), they will take the floor. Professor Antonella Forlino, Vicerector for International Relations, will chair.

[Image by Tumisu from Pixabay]
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