(English below) L’Università di Pavia ha partecipato alla NAFSA Annual Conference 2022, la più grande conferenza mondiale del settore International Education che dopo due anni è ritornata in presenza, a Denver (Usa).

Unitamente ad altri atenei italiani attraverso uno stand espositivo organizzato dall’Associazione Unitalia, CRUI e dal Ministero degli Esteri – Direzione Generale per la Diplomazia Pubblica e Culturale, lo staff del Servizio Relazioni Internazionali ha incontrato rappresentanti di atenei di diversi Paesi per  sviluppare nuove partnership, promuovere la propria offerta formativa e discutere in merito a nuove forme di sviluppo dell’internazionalizzazione, come summer programme e accordi Erasmus con Paesi extra-europei.

L’Università di Pavia ha avuto contatti con atenei e istituzioni provenienti da Arabia Saudita, Argentina, Canada, Cile, Giappone, Stati Uniti, Messico, Israele, Corea del Sud, con il Network internazionale Internation Student Exchange Programme (ISEP) e con Climate Action Network for International Educators (CANIE), con i quali si svilupperanno nuovi accordi di scambio per studio, tirocinio e docenza per trascorrere un periodo di internazionale fuori dai confini Europei.

L’Ateneo ha anche avuto l’onore di essere invitato, quale unico ateneo europeo, a promuovere la nuova finestra International del Programma Erasmus Plus all’interno del Padiglione della Commissione Europea con un intervento dal titolo “Erasmus+: how to find European Partners and working with them”, alla presenza di molti atenei extra-europei.

Oggetto dell’intervento:

  • How to build partnerships with EU universites.
  • How to access EU funds to cover scholarships for students and staff.
  • The EU strategy for cooperate with EU in the field of education and training.

Si segnala che, proprio all’interno della conferenza, Unipv e King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Kaust) – Arabia Saudita hanno attivato l’accordo “Visiting Student Reasearch Programme” grazie al quale gli studenti di Unipv potranno effettuare una esperienza di tirocinio internazionale retribuita da 3 a 6 presso il prestigioso ateneo.

Il programma sarà aperto a studenti che frequentano discipline STEM (Ingegneria, Matematica, Fisica, Biologia e Chimica) a partire dal prossimo anno accademico.


The University of Pavia participated in the NAFSA Annual Conference 2022, the largest world conference in the International Education sector which after two years returned to presence, in Denver (USA).

Together with other Italian universities, and with the coordination of Unitalia association, CRUI and the Ministero degli Esteri – Directorate General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy, the staff of the International Relations Office met with representatives of universities from different countries to develop new partnerships, promote new educational training paths, such as summer programs and Erasmus agreements with non-European countries.

The University of Pavia has had contacts with universities and institutions from Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Canada, Chile, Japan, United States, Mexico, Israel, South Korea, with the Internation Student Exchange Programme and with con Climate Action Network for International Educators (CANIE), with which new exchange agreements for study, internship and teaching to spend an international period outside the European borders will be develop.

The university also had the honour of being invited, as the only European university, to promote the new International window of the Erasmus plus Program within the Pavilion of the European Commission with a speech entitled “Erasmus +: how to find European partners and work with them”, in the presence of many non-European universities. Object of the intervention:

  • How to build partnerships with EU universities.
  • How to access EU funds to cover student and staff scholarships.
  • The EU strategy for cooperating with the EU in the field of education and training.

Within the conference, Unipv and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Kaust) – Saudi Arabia have activated the “Visiting Student Reasearch Programme” agreement thanks to which Unipv students will be able to carry out an internship experience from 3 to 6 months with a full scholarship covered by KAUST.

The program is open to STEM disciplines students (Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Chemistry) starting from the next academic year.

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