(English below) Dal 20 al 22 giugno 2022, a Seoul, si svolgerà il Forum bilaterale “Scienza Tecnologia e Innovazione Italia-Corea”, un evento a cui parteciperà anche l’Università di Pavia, su invito dell’Ambasciata d’Italia in Corea.

Gli interventi si focalizzeranno su 4 aree tematiche:

  • Innovation to contrast climate change: hydrogen research and innovation;
  • Science and technology applied to Cultural Heritage;
  • Aerospace research and innovation;
  • Insights and collaboration on Microelectronics.

Il Professor Licchelli interverrà nell’ambito della tematica “Science and technology applied to Cultural Heritage” riportando i recenti risultati della ricerca relativi alla conservazione dei beni culturali ottenuti dal CISRiC.

La collaborazione tra Università di Pavia e Korean National University of Cultural Heritage ha portato di recente alla istituzione del “Korea-Italy Joint Lab for Applied Technologies to the Conservation of Textiles and Wooden Manufacts” che coinvolge direttamente il Laboratorio Arvedi di Diagnostica non invasiva – CISRiC di Cremona.

Locandina Forum bilaterale “Scienza Tecnologia e Innovazione Italia-Corea”

Leggi il comunicato post evento: comunicato stampa Forum bilaterale “Scienza Tecnologia e Innovazione Italia-Corea” (aggiornamento del 23.06.2022).


The bilateral Forum “Science, Technology and Innovation Italy-Korea” will be held in Seoul from 20th to 22th of June, an event in which the University of Pavia will also participate, invited by the Embassy of Italy in Korea.

Prof. Maurizio Licchelli (Università di Pavia)

Research activities carried out in the context of collaborations between Italian and Korean institutions will be presented during the Forum. The University of Pavia will be represented by Professor Maurizio Licchelli, professor at the Department of Chemistry and President of the Interdepartmental Center for Studies and Research for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (CISRiC).

The interventions will focus on 4 thematic areas:

  • Innovation to contrast climate change: hydrogen research and innovation;
  • Science and technology applied to Cultural Heritage;
  • Aerospace research and innovation;
  • Insights and collaboration on Microelectronics.

Professor Licchelli will discuss on the topic “Science and technology applied to Cultural Heritage“, reporting the recent research results relating to the conservation of cultural heritage obtained by the CISRiC.

The collaboration between the University of Pavia and the Korean National University of Cultural Heritage has recently led to the establishment of the “Korea-Italy Joint Lab for Applied Technologies to the Conservation of Textiles and Wooden Manufacts” which directly involves the Arvedi Laboratory of non-invasive diagnostics – CISRiC of Cremona.

Social Media:

Il professor Licchelli rappresenterà Unipv al Forum Bilaterale “Scienza, Tecnologia e Innovazione Italia-Cores” di Seoul, con un intervento su “Science and Technology applied to Cultural Heritage”.

La collaborazione tra Università di Pavia e Korean National University of Cultural Heritage aveva già recentemente istituito il “Korea-Italy Joint Lab for Applied Technologies to the Conservation of Textiles and Wooden Manufacts

Poster bilateral Forum “Science, Technology and Innovation Italy-Korea”

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